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Showing posts from May, 2020

Why I Won't Be Stepping on a Scale Again

A few days ago I downloaded a running app that asked me to input my height and weight. I figured I’d be as accurate as possible so I hopped on the bathroom scale. My stomach dropped when I looked down and realized that in the 10 weeks I’ve been in quarantine, I’ve already gained 8 pounds! I immediately began brainstorming ways to discipline myself. Should I start counting calories? Throw out all the snacks in the house? Maybe it was time to finally go Keto? I ruminated on the possibilities miserably on my couch, sipping very deliberately on lemon water. I know I’d said this time was about rest, but I couldn’t actually sit and do nothing , could I? As an actor, beauty standards regarding body image have been tied to my professional worth for as long as I can remember. As a Black woman attempting to live up to white beauty standards, the pressure is compounded. But, I frequently patted myself on the back over the years, proudly telling friends and family that I didn’

The Meaning of Rest

Merriam Webster defines rest first and foremost as, "freedom from activity or labor". This definition conjures up images of #selfcare by way of bubble baths and large glasses of wine, two things I'm definitely known to be fond of. But with times being as stressful as they are as we enter into yet another month of sheltering in place with no clear end in sight, I can't help but wonder if this really all there is to rest? Interestingly enough, when you scroll down a bit you'll find definition number four, which actually defines rest as, "peace of mind or spirit". Now that is a definition of rest that sounds equally as appealing as it does elusive. As an actor, I am no stranger to the phrase, "the show must go on". Before moving to New York, this meant working as much as possible in order to save up for the big move. Once in New York City, this meant waking up before 6am multiple times a week to put my name on lists in the hope that I would get